Saturday, August 19, 2006

I went out to a comedy show last night. I used the Caruso Steam Rollers for this.

~~Click on photo to enlarge~~


Naturalist1 said...

Hey Ree-C

Your pics look beautiful. Hope you had fun at the comedy club.

2nd Chance said...

hey, thanks for stopping by. Good Luck with this semester. In 5 more months you could come here with your baby and that might make it easier. I have sisterlocks also..(1yr3mos)...

Maryee said...

Wow!! Nice pics with the curlers.

Ree-C said...
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Ree-C said...

@Naturalist - Thanks, we had a good time. It was good to get out. With my 15month old son, it's not often I go out.

@Tra - Thank you Tra. I thought I would have a tighter curl, but I really like the loose curls.

@2ndChance - I'm glad I came across your site. I'll be back to visit. We'll have to talk more on what you mean with the last part.

@Maryee - Thanks Maryee. I liked the loose (relaxed) curl. Not too curly, but just enough for a cute style.

z said...

Wow, your locks have condensed a lot and you look great in that outfit!

Anonymous said...

I love your hair like this, I like the loose curl. It looks beautiful on you. And gurrrl, you look good to have a 15 month old....."Yo go Gurrrlllll!!!"


Goodnapps said...

Girl you look slammin!! Very pretty loc style and outfit. You're gonna have to do a post on how to get the post-baby figure back.

Lyriq said...

Don't you look hot and spicy. Your locks look fab. I am lovin the loose curls.

Ree-C said...

@DewDrop ~ Thank You.

@ChosenVessel ~ Thank you. I think breastfeeding for almost a full year partly contributes to getting my body back.

@Tanya ~ Thanks Tanya. Again, I think a lot of it has to do with breastfeeding for almost a full year. My weight just melted away. I recommend it to all Moms.

@Lyriq ~ Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The Photobucket is pretty cool...
Come check out the new pics on my blog. queenlilocjourney.blogspot.
Take Care~

Anonymous said...

The Photobucket is pretty cool...
Come check out the new pics on my blog. queenlilocjourney.blogspot.
Take Care~

Anonymous said...

Girl love your thinking about it.... do you get them tightened...i am thinking of the braid locks instead of sistah locks which i had before....where are you at int he midwest?

BlaqKofi said...

Great looks, great color and beautiful locks!